Sarah and I are both out running around as fast as we can trying to get our sponsorship in order all while trying to maintain some sembelence of a normal life outside of all pre-race-season prep madness that turns into a whirlwind of actvitiy. Just today we witnessed a sample of that along our gauntlet across the East Side to run some errands.
On the way back from OSH we decided to take Soquel Ave. home to avoid tourist traffic on Hwy 1. I decided to stop by Drew’s Used Tools on the way back. Seeing that Drew was engaged in a phone call, Sarah and I decided to step into the showroom and oooh and aaaah at some of the more expensive hardware I’ve not lied to myself enough yet to justify purchasing for my small workshop.
We chat with Drew about racing, how Sarah’s the only female Formual 1 Superside America racer. How she doesn’t finish last, or even near last, and how we’re looking for sponsors. An idea is born, a few details are exchanged… and now Drew will have his shop logo on the side of a F1 rig running the national circuit.
And now we have a tool sponsorship, sometimes things just work. We like having Santa Cruz sponsors.