The 2007 season is over, work has been crazy, Mike and I have both just been trying to decompress from everything and relax.
I’ll just make a quick summary here, post some photos, and come back later and write up detailed reports when I have some free time.
1. Buttonwillow sucked, we finished DFL, I hate that track. It’s bumpy, no facilities, flat, no reference points, sandy, narrow, and there are tumbleweeds.
2. Streets of Willow at Willow Springs ruled! I love that track, it’s very technical and slightly bumpy, but loads of fun. It was an excellent two days of practice and racing to end the season on. We had a great time and finished 9th out of 11 to secure 8th overall in the 2007 SRA championship and 6th overall in the SRA-West Shootout. So I’ve had an excellent first season of Formula 1 sidecar racing. Here’s the points breakdown for this season.
Time for pictures.
Buttonwillow, the new helmets, me on the platform looking very uncomfortable. Mike in the cockpit checking out some suspension changes and making sure everything is ok. I hate passengering.
Mike on the platform, relaxed, bored.
Me head down, Mike transitioning left to right.
Race over, heading back into the pits, pissed off and fustrated.
We gave taxi rides on the East Loop during lunch for 20 bucks / two laps. All the money went to the James Cornell Fund. 22 brave souls took up the offer and hopped on the back of a F1/F2 sidecar for a trip around the track at speed. I don’t really do taxi rides, so Mike jumped in the cockpit and played cab driver for half a dozen willing volunteers.
Mike tells “bobspa” from the Ducati Monster List, “Hold on tight, don’t let go, don’t lean the wrong way.”
And off they go for two terror filled laps. Bob was hooked enough that he came out to Streets of Willow and took a real ride around Streets at full tilt on the back of the CSR to get what Mike calls the e-ticket experience.
Streets of Willow
Mike is a Peacock for any camera he happens to spot.
That’s it for now. More when I have time to write something up!