Shoes finally showed up today via UPS for Mike at the last possible minute. We were suprised to learn that they did in fact fit and would not be repackaged and sent off into the inner-working of Generic Delivery Service to some how get exchanged. They even came in a very intimidating box, inside of a big box.
But what came out of this box of organic death was something almost clown like.
And those are the simple little shoes Moike’s going to trust his ankles and feet to this season. They fit him like they were made for him, and they do come from Oakley’s racing division. So they’re waterproof, flame resistant, puncture proof, abrasion resistant, and meet all the high end standards like FIA 8856 and 2000. As far as Mike knows that could mean the boots will fend off custard stains. He just thinks they look snazzy and will be much easier to use on the platform than his bulky Daytona Winners. Willow Springs will tell.