So finally, the put-the-power-down side of the CSR is done, assembled, and wired. Everything went smooth. Bearings are flawless, the new axle fits perfectly, all the new hardware is just the right size. All the bolts and nuts drilled in the jig without snapping one carbide bit, I managed to not gouge myself with safety wire once. I did teach Sarah how to mount a tire and static balance a wheel with the static balancer I welded up out of an ikea coffee table and ten bucks worth of skateboard wheel bearings. She even got the hang of using my Motion Pro chaintool to break our new RK chain, install the master link, and use my Motion Pro alignment tool to true the rear wheel alignment by tweaking the concentric adjusters on the swingarm pivot till things lined up perfect. She catches on fast in the garage and I rarely have to explan the technical aspect of something more than once. But she still says, “I’m the driver, your the mechanic… I should be more concerned with racing.”